15 June 2010

Days 5-7: Brooklyn, NY

This was going to be my "visit home" post; it was going to be full of the delcious foods I ate, people I saw, and fun things I did. However, that just wasn't meant to be. You see, all weekend (and truthfully, for a few months beforehand) one of my wisdom teeth had been giving me trouble (just not so much trouble that it couldn't be easily ignored ... whoops). So on the recommendation of my friend, Ally, I trooped over to the NYU School of Dentistry early Monday morning to get it checked. I left 3 hours later with 1 less tooth, $100 poorer and orders not to eat anything that wasn't bland and mushy. So much for the pizza (and Chinese ... and crepe-truck ... and waffle-truck) that I had been planning on consuming. Instead, for the past 36 hours, I have been napping, watching hulu and drinking ensure (the excitement is overwhelming).

I did make a fieldtrip today to the UWS to see The A-Team at my favorite theater, the AMC Lincoln Square. I won't lie, it was a fantasic movie, even if I do hate Jessica Biel.

Tomorrow, I pack my bags once again and head for Europe. First up is visiting Ashley in her new hometown of Amsterdam. Since I haven't seen Ash in almost a year, this will be pretty awesome. Plus, it will mark my third first of this trip: first solo flight to Europe.

(The second first was sudden and unintended, as this was the first time I'd had a tooth pulled)

Since I have to post a photo with every entry, I leave you with this (squeamish people turn away):

Until later,


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