23 February 2009

101 Things

My sister-in-law, Krista of Commitment is Liberating published an interesting post the other day. She created a list of 101 things that you do over the span of 1,001 days (approximately 2.75 years). It seemed like an interesting challenge; since I am going to be in school for the bulk of that time, I thought that I could give it a try. Right now, I am in the process of compiling my list of 101 things - I am up to 70 off the top of my head.

Now, here's my question, do you have any suggestions?

A few of mine are: Hike the Georgia portion of the Appalachian Trail; Go on a Date (don't judge); Practice Archery; Graduate from the Creative Circus (they don't have to be far-fetched or crazy); Go to an Atlanta Braves Game, etc...


Funny signs that I see... volume 1

This sign is near my house. It says: Tax Service / In the Rear.

I mean, I always knew that taxes were painful, but ... really?


The cool thing that happened at school...

So, every Friday afternoon, my school brings a working professional down to Georgia to talk to everyone. This past Friday, we had The UPS Guy. It was possibly one of the coolest talks I've been to in a while (I got to hear Brian Greene spout String Theory in high school, this guy came close). However, it got exponentially cooler when he re-enacted the UPS whiteboard commercial... on a WHITEBOARD. It was amazing. and hilarious.


11 February 2009

UPDATE: Denny's Free Breakfast

It was delicious! I can't say if it was worth driving 15 miles round-trip... twice. But it was good.

In fact, it was so good, that I forgot to take a picture. Whoops.

(Sidebar: I bought a Polaroid camera for $5 on eBay... I can't wait to give it a tryout)


My reason for being so absent.

I swear I haven't forgotten about you... I've just been busy. Cosmically busy, in fact. I decided that the pressure of a really hard school wasn't enough. So, I decided that I should move in the middle of my quarter. However, the benefits have far outweighed the cost (except that I was sore, tired and grumpy all last week).

This also means that I have many posts in my head that I am just itching to put out there. Get excited.


05 February 2009

How Far Will You Go For Free $5 Breakfast?

I went 14 miles. Twice.

During the Superbowl, Denny's had a commercial offering everyone in America a free Grand Slam breakfast (retail price $5.95) on the next Tuesday from 6am to noon. Being a student... with a little too much free time, I decided to take them up on the offer. So, on Tuesday morning, my friend Ashley and I loaded into the car and drove 14 miles to the nearest Denny's.

Unfortunately, it seem that all of Georgia had the same idea. The line was 30 people out the door. Instead of waiting in line, the nice people at Denny's gave us Rain Checks.

Today is the day that we cash those suckers in...

To be continued...