23 September 2010

Notice anything new around here?

In the past (almost) 2 years, this blog has undergone 2 transformations. Today marks #3.


If you're wondering at all what the stripey things are, or what the heck those fonts are, I can't help ya. Kidding. It's all to match my spanking new website (that I created with my own two hands ... and some dreamweaver) and my twitter.

So, go. Check 'em out. Tell me what you think of the new look. Be honest. That's what I pay you guys for.



  1. Love the new design!

    PS Blogger just came out with a better spam blocker. I removed my word verification a few weeks ago and have not had a spam comment yet. :)

  2. Also, you should add a link to your main website and also make your email visible in your profile so people can contact you.
