30 January 2010

10 Happy Things.

I saw this on Krista's blog and thought I'd give it a shot.

10. Showers.
There is nothing more satisfying to me than a shower. Be it hot (in the winter) or ice cold (in the summer), there is no better part of my day. In fact, the saddest part of my day is when I have to turn the water off.

9. School.
At times I hate it. But mostly I love it. School is the most difficult, challenging, pain-in-the-ass thing I have ever done. But the ridiculous people I've met and the things I've done have made it all worthwhile. Almost.

8. Going home.
There's something about getting on that Airtran airways flight to LaGuardia that gets me every time. I'm like a kid on Christmas morning. When I get off the plane, I practically run to the exit, just so I can smell that uniquely New York air. Plus, it means that I get to see all of my favorite people.

7. Spinning.
I'm not very good at it. But riding a stationary bike to absolutely nowhere in a room of other people riding bikes to nowhere, all while listening to pumping music makes me smile.

6. My apartment.
My apartment may not be very big (600sf), but it's all mine. Living alone has made me realize that I will probably never live with another human being ever again. Seriously. I'm just not considerate enough.

5. My friends and family.
There is no cooler (and completely uncool) group of people in the whole world. They let me disappear and completely ignore them for 10 weeks and then give me hugs and high-fives when I resurface. I've slept on almost all of their couches (and guest bedrooms) and given little in return. I owe them all.

4. Bigelow Cinnamon Stick tea.
Want to know the way to my heart? It's this little brown box of tea. No grocery store south of the M-D sells it, so I get it shipped down from home. There's just something about milky, sugary, cinnamony tea.... mmm

3. Winter.
I am always cold. However, that doesn't stop me from loving winter. Extra bonus: the smell of snow. That super crisp smell that always shows up right before a snow storm. Love it.

2. The Farmers Market.
It smells really bad and is always super freezing, but the Dekalb Farmers Market is where it's at. I can buy a whole weeks worth of fruit and vegetables for $10. Plus, they let me choose where my food comes from and if I want it organic or conventional. If you go on weekends, get there early. I'm in line at 9.

1. Traveling.
Be it by car or plane or train or foot, packing a suitcase and getting the heck out of Dodge, makes me happy. I love going to new and exciting places and meeting fun people (even the creepy Italian dude who stared at me from Florence to Rome). I'm currently trying to find a way to get to Amsterdam this summer.


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