28 January 2009

Welcome Y'all (what did I just say?!?!)

Ever since my car whizzed past the Mason-Dixon (which is much more north than one would think) a month ago, I have noticed the differences between this new city that I live in and the one that I have (temporarily) left behind are vast. Like Mississippi River vast. There have been entire days where this new world of drawls, ma'ams, y'alls and driving have left me mystified. So, to pass the time, I have decided to write about them. But since I am no novelist, there will probably be more pictures than words gracing these pages. 

So, sit back, relax and enjoy the hilarity that is my new world. 


1 comment:

  1. I was amazed at how far North it was too, All the Dixie signs along the highway, and then a dinky little sign on the line.

    I managed to make it through a year down South without saying "y'all". However the husband did catch me saying "I'm fixin' to...." and I also said a couple times "put it up" which down there means to put away, but when referring to a traffic cone, to us it meant to place it correctly!

    I have a blog too!

