08 July 2009


I said that I wanted to learn to make pie, and this past July 4th, I decided to jump in feet first... in front of a crowd. The whole fam-damily (minus Krista... bummer) was at the casa for the holiday. I started by trolling the internets for some decent recipes. After a few thousand web pages, I settled on two: Bourbon Peach Pie and Blueberry Cobbler.

This was the very first time I had ever baked a pie from scratch (pie dough included), and you know what... it didn't suck. I'm not going to win any blue ribbons, but I didn't get pie thrown at me (knowing my family, it was a fear).

Here is a picture of my sister-in-law Chloe getting her slice of the pie:

Don't worry... I think I have to perfect my technique... with more PIE.


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