14 November 2009

Mt Monadnock - you got owned.

Once I was done playing with (undoubtedly diseased) chickens in Brooklyn, I hopped on the commuter rail and went home! After a day or two of kicking around the house - actually painting a whole flight of stairs and 2 Adirondack chairs, I needed a break. So, I decided to climb a mountain - but not just any mountain.

This mountain has been the albatross of my life since the 7th grade. (Long story short, my 7th grade class went to climb it. My group was too slow and we had to turn back 20 minutes from the top. How embarrassing!) When I told my Mom that I was going to climb Mt. Monadnock all by myself, she got kind of nervous. Something about climbing a mountain by myself in unpredictable fall weather... can you tell we watch a lot of CSI in my house?

After making sure I had a lunch, extra fleece, a hat, mittens and my cell phone, my Mom finally let me drive the family car up to New Hampshire (3 hours away). I was pretty psyched for the climb, until I pulled into Monadnock State Park... right behind SIX (6) BUSES FULL OF KIDS. (shit.) That's approximately 300 screaming 8th graders. From Massachusetts. With that accent.

I did eventually make it to the top (the kids set me back by stopping repeatedly in the middle of the trail... usually as I was right behind them). Unfortunately, the second I got to the top (where you can see all six New England states), the clouds rolled in... and it started to rain.

This was taken right when I got to the top.

Five minutes later...

Having forgotten the extra fleece, hat and mittens in the car, I started to make my way down. Thankfully the kids were too busy playing at the summit to realize the weather that had just rolled in. I got my first peaceful moments of the entire day... and a few better shots.

The only excitement of the day came when some girl sprained her ankle on the way up... and they actually called Mountain Rescue. This happened as I was starting my way down, the rescue team was just starting up the mountain as I was walking into the parking lot... 1 and 1/2 hours later.

(Oh, and I accidentally stumbled on the EMS factory store. I found out that if you show them your student ID you get 15% off!)


13 November 2009

Do you think I can steal it?

The other day, I went to an open house at Moxie Interactive for a Digital class I am taking (digital marketing makes my head explode). It was a pretty interesting presentation on Digital Out of Home Marketing (the caps are theirs, not mine); however, the best part of the night was this thing.

The picture isn't that great. If you can't tell... it's a touch screen table! My teacher wasn't able to tell us if it had any business function (it was probably just a freebie from Microsoft), but it was still pretty awesome - kind of like a giant iPhone.


11 November 2009

The short answer is that I had to pee...

I went to the movies the other day (I saw "Bright Star"... sad and kind of moody, but good) and in the bathroom of the movie theater was this. There were a few other quote gems stenciled on to the mirror, but this one was my favorite.


08 November 2009

I want.

This product is almost entirely useless. But I want it.

If you can't see, it's a thumb drive. Shaped like a Star Wars character. They were all out of C-3PO or Darth Vader... otherwise it would be mine.

If you want a nice laugh, go to the Mimobot website and look at all of the wonderous thumb drives they sell. It's like nerd heaven.


What'll they think of next?

The other day I was having lunch in a Subway... in a gas station (this part is not important, but comical nonetheless). I ordered my usual (veggie with extra pickles and jalapenos - the very sandwich that can turn the whites of my eyes blue) with chips and a drink. As I went to fill my drink, I saw this...

Apparently Coke is rolling out these amazing machines to restaurants. Your eyes are not deceiving you... it's a computerized soda fountain. There are approximately 21 different beverages, each with about 3 different choices (Minute Maid Lemonade had 5 choices - raspberry, straberry, etc...). The possibilities of this machine are endless!!

I want one in my new apartment.
